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How to use querybanding in Teradata?
What is queryband?
Teradata is a diligent RDBMS that runs sometimes millions of SQLs a day. You will see them in the DBQL (DataBase Query Logging area) - if it is switched on - but it's a hard job to know around in that mess of queries. How can I find a specific query? What did that query run by? If I want to analyze or modify something I need to find the source of the execution as exactly as can be.Queryband is a labelling possibility to flag the queries to let their source job/report/etc. be easily found.
Who defines the queryband?
Setting the queryband is usually the responsibility of the query runner:- ETL software or solution that executes it
- OLAP tool that issues it
- Person, who runs it ad-hoc
How to set the queryband?
Technically it is a quite simple stuff: Teradata provides a command to set it:
SET QUERY_BAND = {'<variable1>=<value1>;<variable2>=<value2>;...' / NONE} [UPDATE] for SESSION/TRANSACTION;
, where:
Queryband can consist of arbitrary number of "variable"-"value" pairs. Both are string values. Do not forget to put the semicolon after each variable-value pair!
NONE: clears the queryband
UPDATE: is specified, then those variables that has been previously defined are updated by the new value, others are added with the given value. Empty value string is a valid content and will not remove the variable. Please note that deleting a value is only possible by redefining the queryband without that specific variable.
SESSION/TRANSACTION: what it says...
Where can I check queryband?
The values are reflected in the dbc.SessionfoX.QueryBand and the dbc.DBQLogtbl.QueryBand. The following example shows its content:SET QUERY_BAND='PROJECT=TeraTuningBlog;TASK=QB_example;' for session;
(For the logged in session)
SELECT queryband FROM dbc.sessioninfoX WHERE sessionNo=session;
(For the formerly ran queries)
SELECT queryband FROM dbc.dbqlogtbl WHERE Queryid=...;----------------------------------------------------
=S> PROJECT=TeraTuningBlog;TASK=QB_example;
(For a specific variable, eg. "PROJECT")
SELECT CAST((case when index(queryband,'PROJECT=') >0 then substr(queryband,index(queryband,'PROJECT=') ) else '' end) AS VARCHAR(2050)) tmp_PROJECT
,CAST( (substr(tmp_PROJECT,characters('PROJECT=')+1, nullifzero(index(tmp_PROJECT,';'))-characters('PROJECT=')-1)) AS VARCHAR(2050)) QB_PROJECT
FROM dbc.sessioninfoX WHERE sessionNo=session
) x ;
(Which queries has been run by the "LoadCustomers" project?)
(Which queries has been run by the "LoadCustomers" project?)
SELECT a.*, CAST((case when index(queryband,'PROJECT=') >0 then substr(queryband,index(queryband,'PROJECT=') ) else '' end) AS VARCHAR(2050)) tmp_PROJECT
,CAST( (substr(tmp_PROJECT,characters('PROJECT=')+1, nullifzero(index(tmp_PROJECT,';'))-characters('PROJECT=')-1)) AS VARCHAR(2050)) QB_PROJECT
FROM dbc.dbqlogtbl a WHERE QB_PROJECT="LoadCustomers"
,CAST( (substr(tmp_PROJECT,characters('PROJECT=')+1, nullifzero(index(tmp_PROJECT,';'))-characters('PROJECT=')-1)) AS VARCHAR(2050)) QB_PROJECT
FROM dbc.dbqlogtbl a WHERE QB_PROJECT="LoadCustomers"
Designing querybanding
We know how to set the queryband, it's quite easy to build in / configure in the ETL tool, OLAP software and other query running applications. But what variables should we define, and how should we populate them? I give a best practice, but it is just a recommendation, can be modified due according to your taste.First of all, some things to mind:
- Use short variable names and values, since they will be logged in each DBQL records
- Define consistent structure in each source systems to easily analyze data
- Record as detailed information as you need, not more, not less. Define unique values for those items you later want to differentiate. Using a lookup/hierarchy table you can easily merge what you need, but never can drill down what is aggregated.
- SYS: Maximum of 3 characters ID of the system that ran the Query, like INF (Informatica), MST (Microstrategy), SLJ (SLJM), BO (Business Objects), AH (ad-hoc query tool)
- ENV: P (Production) / Tx (Test x) / Dx (Development x), the identifier of environment. x may be neglected, if it does not matter
- JOB: Which job or report contains that specific query (the name of it)
- STP: (Step) Which SQL script, or other sub-structure does the query belong to (name of it)
- VER: Version of the JOB. This will determine the version of the script (if available)
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